2010년 12월 22일 수요일

Captured image

About New function.

It is image from panoramio.

2010년 12월 20일 월요일

facebook page is opened!

This is page URL of iARU in facebook.


Version 0.4 is released

Version 0.4 is released.

Photo mode is added. It is from panoramio.
You can see photos near your location.
Photos will be show 10 pieces.

It is free during holiday season. Happy new year!

2010년 9월 10일 금요일

iARU is now on appstore.

iARU is iphone version of ARU.

Version 0.3 is launched.

If you find the way, select "Direction" tab bar.
Then input the departure and destination address, click "find" button.
You can see route on the map and overlaid 3D route.
Route map will be show under 20km from your location.
3D route rotate from departure when you move iphone.
Because application use compass function, you can see
real direction of your destination.


2010년 8월 9일 월요일

Waiting for review

I uploaded iARU v0.3.

Waiting for review from apple.

It will be soon.

2010년 7월 26일 월요일

ARU iphone version will be release!

ARU iphone version is implementing.

It will be release soon!